
Jump Jungle 4 boom bap.png

New EP coming soon…

‘“Jump the Jungle"‘ is a bouncy, adventurous soundtrack for navigating the urban mindset. At the core of the song is an enthusiastic awareness of the wild nature of our culture, an admission that a generalized ideology won’t cure the disease and that the only way to make it through sometimes is to rise above. The jungle is the tangled design of our day to day’ from navigating the economic struggle and balancing it with the spiritual one. Still, the jungle houses some beautiful things and the driving groove, jumpy bass line and choir style vocals are Kaine’s way of ‘audiophying’ the inherent beauty of the jungle and celebrating it, while not forgetting its shortcomings It’ll make you bop and think all at the same time…’

Become a Patron for a sneak peak of the single and more…


RELEASEd and other stuff…

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My first EP! A mix of soul, alternative R&B, Indie and Synth-Pop, this 4 song release covers distance of sound and philosophy. Tackling the mental breakdowns of trauma, anxiety and depression, asking the questions meant for walking contemplation, and wondering how to get a place at the table, or at least feel worthy. This EP took a lot of time, emotional spelunking and overall experience. From the start of working on this EP to the end, I had gained to much knowledge, spiritually and sonically. I am glad to have this stand as my first introduction. It’s a good friend of mine, why don’t you go on in and meet her?